Wakulla County Seeks  a Volunteer for the Charter Review Commission

Are You Interested in Serving on the Wakulla County Charter Review Commission?

Wakulla County became a Home Rule Charter in 2008. Under the Home Rule, Wakulla County has all authorized powers of self-government except those specifically prohibited or pre-empted by the State.  The Home Rule Charter is a living document in place to address the challenges and opportunities unique to Wakulla County reflecting the needs and desires of its citizens.

Wakulla County is currently seeking one (1) interested citizen who is an elector of the County to serve on the Charter Review Commission.  The Commission will be tasked with reviewing the County Charter and presenting to the Board of County Commissioners by December 2023 its recommendations for amendment, revision, or repeal of the Charter; or its recommendation of no amendment, revision, or repeal. 

Interested citizens must submit a statement of interest no later than February 3, 2023.  Statements of interest can be emailed to Jessica Welch, Public Services Director at jwelch@mywakulla.com.  It should also be noted that elected officials and their employees, and employees of local governments in Wakulla County are prohibited from serving on this Committee.

Interested citizens are encouraged to review the County Charter at https://www.mywakulla.com/local_governement/wakulla_county_home_rule_charter.php